Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should I be using a hair relaxer?

Should I be using A hair relaxer? My hair is SO damaged its brittle and super dry.My hair is frizzy and curly but its not kinky also my hair is not thick or thin its kinda in between. My ethnicity is Black And Filipino please help me do I need to use A relaxer?Should I be using a hair relaxer?
No if your hair is brittle and really dry do not get a relaxer... make sure you moisturize it everyday or every other day to get it moisturized... There are texturizers that are better for your hair to make it easier to manage and comb thru. considering that you are black and filibino and your hair is not nappy i think that if anything a texturizer would be ok. But embrace your hair and get deep conditioning treatments to make your dry brittle hair healthier before you put ANY chemicals in it. :) good luckShould I be using a hair relaxer?
No, you just need a hair conditioner

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